
Intranet - Logowanie

Planned Actions

Through the implementation of the project the following actions will be completed:

  1. Purchase of land associated with the construction and operation of technical equipment and protective treatments  will enable the long-term management of the site in accordance with the needs of nature conservation.
  2. Completion of technical documentation for the activities planned for the Kapicki Canal and tourist infrastructure. Documentation will allow for the implementation of direct actions to limit the negative impact of both the canal and increasing tourist traffic.
  3. Reconstruction of Modzelówka hub water facilities and modernization of the weir - enabling both the restoration of flow in ‘Dead Ełk’ and increasing soil water content of the areas located in the vicinity of the riverbed.
  4. Capacity enhancement of Ełk River - to ensure the restoration of flow in ‘Dead Ełk’.
  5. Construction of a bridge over Ełk River in the area of Dębiec wilderness - the bridge will allow the passage across the river for agricultural machinery.
  6. Repair of the valve, damming and complementing of the dike crown on Kapicki Canal - to reduce the runoff of water and increase groundwater levels.
  7. Construction of small tourist infrastructure in the area of Dębiec wilderness– the right location for such infrastructure will reduce the negative impact of tourism on habitats and species of fauna and flora.