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A coverage from the 65th Biebrza University "Everything depends on water"

Between 24-25 March 2018 was held the 65th Biebrza University organised within the frames of the LIFE13 NAT/PL/000050 “Restoration of hydrological system in the Middle Basin of the Biebrza Valley. Phase II” project.

The first lecture was given by Andrzej Grygoruk, Director of the Biebrza National Park, who in a general manner introduced the issues of the water management on the marshes area to the audience. The second paper was presented by Adam Bernatowicz, LIFE13 Project Manager. His paper related to the assumptions and the implementation of the “Restoration of hydrological system in the Middle Basin of the Biebrza Valley. Phase II” project. It is a continuation of the Phase I implemented in the years 2010-2016, which main goal consisted in improving the conditions of the marshy habitat protection by inhibiting a degradation process of the marshy habitats in the region of the following watercourses: the Ełk river – the Jerzgnia river – the Woźnawiejski Canal and a reconstruction and a preservation of the biotopes for the avifauna of the marshy ecosystems. The Phase Ii was commenced in 2014 and its completion was planned in 2018, but there is a need to extend its duration. The project is co-funded by the European Commission (50%), the NFEP&WM (43%0 and the Biebrza National Park (7%). The area of the activity includes 13,500ha, with a budget more than 27 million PLN. The main goal of the project consists in restoring the flows in the currently dead riverbed of the Ełk river, what will have an advantageous impact on the marshy areas in the Ełk river valley. The restoration of the Ełk river will be possible due to an alternation of the Modzelówka water junction and the reconstruction of the riverbed of the Ełk river.

The subsequent presentations heard by the participants were as follows:

  • “The restoration and benefits of the marshy ecosystems” (Mateusz Grygoruk, Ph.D. - Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Department of Hydrology and Water Resources) that is how to evaluate how “something” fulfils its function and verify how much is a fulfilment of the concerned “function” considering the other methods.
  • “Monitoring of the physical and chemical elements of the surface waters in the Middle Basin of the Biebrza Valley (Grażyna Pazikowska-Sapota, Maritime Institute in Gdańsk) – that is a description with what methods quality of the watercourses is monitored in the area of the Biebrza Valley.
  • “For what reason water is needed in the marsh? The question is not obvious at all” (Łukasz Kozub, Ph.D, University of Warsaw) – that is how the plants get by on the wetland.
  • “Water – shared resource (Ewa Leś, save the Rivers Coalition) – that is how the non-governmental organisations monitor a current status of the rivers.
  • “The technical operations in the area of the Middle Basin of the Biebrza Valley” (Zbigniew Bartosik, subcontractor company Waga-bart) – that is how the technical and construction operations can have an impact on forming the water resources in the given area and how they affect the environment.

The last thematic block was a meeting with two artists. Krzysztof Kiziewicz – a film maker presented the effects of his long-term work as a reporter of the Biebrza culture, people and nature. Whereas, a photographer Tomasz Kłosowski took us for a fascinating photographic story about the cranes, and not these for taking on water.

The second day of the University was traditionally intended for a field trip. 32 people took part in this trip. They got lucky with the weather and during this a beautiful and sunny day we went to the water junction in Modzelówka together with the participants. On site, the employees of the Biebrza National Park and Mr. Zbigniew Bartosik explained in the interesting way the concepts of the alternation of the entire water junction. An attraction of this Sunday trip was also a walk on foot along the Woźnawiejski canal, which route is neither made available to the tourists, nor the third parties on the everyday basis. There, apart from the charming circumstances of the nature, the participants had an opportunity to see how the dam on the canal and the river rapids look like and operate.

The event was conducted within the frames of the LIFE13 NAT/PL/000050 “Restoration of hydrological system in the Middle Basin of the Biebrza Valley. Phase II” project.

  • autor: Małgorzata Stanek, data: 2018-12-10
