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The LIFE Informative Day – the Conference Centre at the National Stadium in Warsaw

On 25th April 2018 a project team of the LIFE13 NAT/PL/000050 “Restoration of hydrological system in the Middle Basin of the Biebrza Valley. Phase II” project was invited to take part in the conference organised the eleventh time

by the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management in Warsaw under the banner of “The LIFE Informative Day”.

The meeting, which was held in the Conference Centre of the National Stadium in Warsaw, was a unique opportunity to share the experiences and information with the other beneficiaries of the LIFE projects and to acquire knowledge about a financial instrument of the European Commission. The presentations and discussions were accompanied by the stands and information points of the other programmes that operate in Poland (National Contact Point for Research Programmes of the European Union, National Contact Point for Financial Instruments of the European Union, Centre of European Projects, National Centre for Research and Development, Polish Agency for Enterprise Development– Enterprise Europe Network and Bank for Environmental Protection).

This event was also targeted at the wide group of the new applicants that prepare to filing their applications within the frames of the new recruitment to the LIFE, and search for knowledge among the experienced beneficiaries of the LIFE programmes. The goal of the event was to present the possibilities of acquiring the financial resources for the projects related to the nature and climate protection and the exchange of experiences. The event was open to general public, and a participation in it was free of charge. The next event of this type can be expected only next year.

The Biebrza National Park was represented by two project teams: the LIFE13 NAT/PL/000050 project team and LIFE11 NAT/PL/422 “Preservation of wetland habitats in the upper Biebrza Valley” project team. Within the frames of the promotional activities was prepared a stand with the information and education materials, as well as the audio and visual materials. The managers of both LIFE projects, which are being implemented currently in the Biebrza National Park, namely Anna Bojsza and Adam Bernatowicz, gave their lectures before the wide audience.

  • autor: Małgorzata Stanek, data: 2018-12-10
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